John Russell Pope Award for Excellence in Architecture
Interior DesignSpring 2023
Palladio Award for Excellence in Architecture
New Design & Construction Less than 30,000 Square FeetSpring 2020
AIA Award of Excellence
East Tennessee Divine Detail CitationSpring 2019
Philip Trammell Shutze Award for Excellence in Architecture
InstitutionalSpring 2019
Philip Trammell Shutze Award for Excellence in Architecture
InstitutionalSpring 2018
John Russell Pope Award for Excellence in Architecture
Ecclesiastical Design over 3,000 Square FeetSpring 2017
AIA Award of Excellence: Fawcett-Reeder House
Alexandria, VA*AIA Award of Excellence: Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Saint Joseph CathedralSioux Falls, SD*
* Indicates McCrery’s works and AIA awards for works during his partnership at FLM Architects.
Book Mentions
McNamara, Denis R. Catholic Church Architecture and the Spirit of the Liturgy. Hillenbrand Books. 2009. Print.
Shirley, Frank and O’Rourke, Randy. New Rooms for Old Houses: Beautiful Additions for the Traditional Home. National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Taunton Press. 2007. Print.
Stern, Robert A.M., Fishman, David and Tilove, Jacob. New York 2000 Architecture and Urbanism Between the Bicentennial and the Millennium. The Monacelli Press. 2006. Print.
Editors of THE CLASSICIST. A Decade of Art and Architecture: 1992-2002. Institute of Classical Architecture & Art. 2003. Print.
Print Media Mentions
Selected Published Articles and Works
Adoremus Bulletin
McNamara, D. R. “Deep in the Heart of the South – Deep in the Heart of Christ.”
September 2018
Traditional Building
Bock, G. H. “A New Catholic Church from McCrery Architects.”
December 2017
Traditional Building
Ruhling, N. A. “Romanesque Comes to Aiken, SC.”
December 2016
The Classicist No. 13
The Editors. “St. Mary Help of Christians Church.” Institute of Classical Architecture & Art.
City Journal – The American City 25th Anniversary Issue
Magnet, M. “What City Journal Wrought.” The Manhattan Institute.
Autumn 2015 Volume 25, Number 4
National Review
Leigh, C. “Washington’s World War I Memorial: The Judges Got It Wrong.”
August 2015
City Journal
Greenberg, A. and Arredondo, C. “American Architecture’s Classical Revival – Striking New Buildings Evoke Our National Heritage.” The Manhattan Institute.
Spring 2015 Volume 25, Number 2
The Classicist No. 10
John, R., Editor. “US Supreme Court Bookstore.” Institute of Classical Architecture & Art.
First Things
McCrery, J. “A Proper Place”.
August / September 2010
City Journal
Magnet, M. “Reimagining the Far West Side.” The Manhattan Institute
Autumn 2004 Volume 14, Number 4
City Journal
Magnet, M. “What Should Rise from the Ashes?” The Manhattan Institute
Autumn 2001 Volume 11, Number 4
City Journal
The Editors. “A New Lincoln Center.” The Manhattan Institute
Autumn 2000 Volume 10, Number 4
Riconquistare lo Spazio Sacro 2000
Rosponi, C., Rossi, G., and Stroik, D., Editors. “The Foundation Chapel at the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Baltimore, Maryland USA.” Editrice Il Bosco e la Nave s.r.l.

“James proved to have the talent to transform an indistinct call to prayer into a clear architectural form that expresses the beauty of the Catholic tradition… he consistently demonstrated his willingness and ability to respond to unanticipated challenges in a professional and faith-based manner using excellent communication skills and a client-focused approach.”
— Father Anthony Buś, C.R., Pastor of Saint Stanislaus Kostka Parish in Chicago, IL